Monteney Primary School

Part of Steel City Schools Partnership


Monteney Houses

At Monteney Primary School, we believe our children really benefit from being members of a school house team. It gives the children a strong sense of responsibility and belonging; it helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in.

There are four house teams at Monteney. Children remain in the same team throughout their time at Monteney and siblings are in the same house. We have chosen the following names for our teams after rivers in Sheffield; Don (Red), Porter (Yellow), Rivelin (Blue) and Sheaf (Green).

Each house has 2 captains from Year 6 and vice-captains are also selected. Children write applications for the role and are then interviewed for the post. Staff are also allocated to a house and some of them are asked to lead each house. The captains and vice-captains then organise their own house assemblies.

There is a house point system with a cup awarded at the end of the year. Children represent their houses at different events throughout the year including on Sports Day, in the Maths Bee and Spelling Bee. House points are awarded for various reasons including achievements and good behaviour throughout the school day. Any member of staff can award house points.

House points are collected in class and at the end of each week, the house captains collect the points for their team and the points are totalled throughout the term. The winning team each term has a house reward.